Ich freue mich SEHR darüber, dass meine Musik auch in anderen Ländern gut ankommt. Hier ein paar Schreiben meines Newsletters:
Hi, a big thumbs up from me. I'm glad I've found your page on here, I've been enjoying your music for quite some time. I bet you hear this all the time, but I was genuinely amazed when I first heard one of your tunes titled METROPOL VOODOO.
Thank you for sharing your talent... I feel blessed to know you in this life...Keep your music alive... It sounds great and I feel your heart and soul in all that you do and share with the world....
Hallo, eure Songs sind Super besondere Sleepless Guy. Grüße aus Betzdorf!!!
Thank you, because magic may not be real.. but your songs are truly magical!
listening to your "Metropol Voodoo" right now, I need to say thank you for that!!! I'm looking forward to more songs!
Great recordings. Really enjoyed your music on N1M and had to hear more. Good luck and keep up the music.
Hi! Heard ur music and was impressed -- I'll be buying your album at the end of the month, please send me a link to your merch online.
Diese und noch viel mehr Schreiben kommen aus u.a. folgenden Städten/Ländern:
Canada, Quebec, Montreal
United Kingdom, London
United States, Texas, San Antonio
New York, NEW YORK
United States, North Carolina, Clemmons
Belgium, Brussels
United Kingdom, Bath
United Kingdom, Manchester
United States, Florida, Clearwater

Klasse! Jetzt hoffe, ich, dass die CDs auch tüchtig gekauft werden … 8) Label/CD-Verkauf online