Da hat tatsächlich jemand bei discogs unsere Platte „Meddle“ von 1985 (!) entdeckt und mir eine Rezension zugeschickt. Ich habe mich amüsiert und sehr gefreut.
„about the album, upon first listens, i was positively disoriented, especially by the dynamics and the interaction between the keyboards, the guitar and the basslines - it was definitely a pleasant surprise
my favourite tracks are Duty which sounds like a cross between the Stranglers and Frank Zappa and Point of No Return with its bassline, great breaks and incredible guitar solo which threw me off my chair the first time i heard it - but every song has something interesting or original going on about them, like the guitar riff in Carry On or the sax solo in Hangman
i really think this album deserves a reissue as it is better and more original than a lot of post-punk albums that appeared in the 2000‘s.“

Klingt doch gut! Weitere Infos zur Band Meddle findet ihr hier: